[作文号:1455576] 雅思预测(2019-10-22)
要求:The government should control the amount of violence in films and on TV in order to reduce the amount of violent crimes in the society. Do you agree or disagree?
[作文号:1455575] 作文题目(2019-10-22)
[作文号:1455572] 【批改网杯】My View on the Role of Technology in Education(2019-10-22)
要求: With the help of technology, people can easily get access to more resources in education, such as online courses (e.g., MOOCs) and numerous educational application programs (i.e., APPs). Is this in some way competing with traditional forms of education or making education more effective? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer. 随着科技的进步,获取更多教育资源变得越发容易,比如在线课程(如慕课等)以及大量的教育APP等。有人认为这会让教育变得更加有效,也有人认为这会冲击传统的教育方式。你的观点是什么?请用具体的原因和细节阐述你的观点(本科及以上学生建议300字以上,其他学生建议100字以上)。*请不要抄袭题干,否则作文极可能因相似度高被判定为“抄袭”
[作文号:1455571] 2019年10月四六级模考(2019-10-22)
要求:活动答题时间:2019年10月21日00:00-2019年12月15日00:00 学生四级模考报名请戳→立即报名四级学生六级模考报名请戳→立即报名六级活动亮点:1、还原四六级考试流程;2、助你熟悉考试题型,发现薄弱点提高复习效率;3、在线答题,提交即得成绩和答案解析。特别提示:1、凡是老师组织参与获得,一定要【选择自己老师姓名】或【输入教师告知的作文ID号】,教师才可收到你的成绩。2、报名和查看答案解析需在电脑端完成,报名后可在手机端关联教师、进行答题;3、手机端模考入口在批改网app精彩活动中!不可直接搜索作文号参与。4、如果在活动中提交后发现没有翻译和写作成绩,是因为当时瞬时分析任务过多在排队处理,请隔日再登录查询。5、如果有问题可直接在微信公众号【批改网】联系客服咨询。关注微信订阅号【灯塔阅读DeltaReading】获取更多四六级备考模拟题练习!可直接扫下方二维码关注↓
[作文号:1442558] 雅思作文1(2019-10-09)
要求:Mobile phones and the Internet play an important role in the way people relate to one another socially. Is this a positive or negative development? (about 250 words)
[作文号:1402951] 新视野练习(2019-06-01)
要求:Unit 4, Book 1  1. On the day ______ to Typhoon Meranti, the whole city was in a terrible mess. (U4---A)A. consequent      B. subsequent     C. previous       D. prior2. At the beginning, some experts wrongly believed  that the risk of  Zika virus infection would be  ______ only a few countries. (U4---A)A. confined to      B. refined to       C. resigned to      D. conformed to3. It is known to us that all medical ______ should be systematically trained. (U4---A)A. person              B. personality      C. personnel       D. personnels4. It must be admitted that Mary is the only person that I can ______ in a crisis. (U4---A)A. count in           B. count out          C. count down     D. count on5. Since we can hardly conquer nature, it would  be wise to stay ______ it. (U4---A)A. in harmony with              B. out of  harmony with   C. in harmony                       D. in disharmony with6. The first day at college is usually exciting, refreshing, and , ______ , a day to remember. (U4---A)A. in the words of many students’     B.  in many students’ wordsC. in the words of many student’s     D. in many student’s words7. Do you think it important to ______ a gang raped girl ______ the press? (U4---A)A. shield…for       B. shield …to           C. shield…from     D. shield …with8. Tomorrow is Saturday and many diners will flow in. Can you  ______ a seat for me? (U4---A)A. conserve            B. reserve                C. preserve             D. deserve9. It  was at midnight that the sound of a gun shot ______and then the police arrived. (U4---A)A. rang up              B. rang back             C. rang out              D. rang off10. Don’t be too optimistic. Few students can  really______ the difficult paragraph. (U4---A)A. make sense for                    B. make some sense of    C. make sense from                   D. make any sense of11. After years of negotiation, the two countries finally came to an agreement, which was ______ a landmark. (U4---A)A. hailed as                     B. claimed as         C. criticized as          D. defined as12. Currently, people change their jobs very often, yet the question is: how many of them arefully aware that frequent job-hopping ______ loss of chance of promotion? (U4---A)A. revolves                      B. involves           C. evolves                D. solves13. More than once, President Barrack Obama has ______ the Asian allies of the U. S. to approve TTP, as he does not want China to become the Asian rule-maker. (U4---A)A. called off                    B. called up          C. called on           D. called back14. Experts always say that marriage needs to be carefully managed, for when one marries another, one has to learn to ______ various relations regarding the other party. (U4---A)A. cope                          B. reconcile           C. neglect              D. negotiate15. Recent sharp drop in consumer spending ______ people’s concern about the economy. (U4---B)A. infects         B. effects              C. affects         D. reflects16. In some countries, it takes a long time before an outdated policy is ______. (U4---B)A. abolished             B. eliminated               C. erased                     D. removed17. Regrettably, a middle-aged woman was killed by a tiger in a Peking zoo simply because she ______ warnings of possible danger. (U4---B)A. failed to notice                  B. ignored          C. was not reminded            D.  paid much attention to18. After long hours of driving,  Jack ______ to take a short break. (U4---B)A. pulled into                 B. pulled out         C. pulled through            D. pulled over19. One should always be ______ others’ help in time of trouble. (U4---B)A. thankful  to              B. grateful to        C. grateful for              D. thankless for20. According to the latest news report, quite a few eyewitnesses ______ the suspect ______a teenager. (U4---B)A. established…as          B. treated…as           C. identified…as      D. regarded…as21. The musician was not known to the public because his talent was ______ by his shyness.(U4---B)A. submerged                 B. emerged                C. merged                 D. remerged22. Since childhood, she has had ______ to be an astronaut. (U4---B)A. inspiration                 B. aspiration              C. respiration           D. registration23. A real couple are supposed to ______ each other for support, especially in difficulty. (U4---B)A. lean towards           B. lean back              C. lean forward        D. lean on24. It was not until lunchtime that the sun ______ the mist. (U4---B)A. broke through             B. broke out             C. broke up                D. broke downv
[作文号:1385492] 2019年5-6月四六级考前大模拟(2019-05-12)
要求:活动答题时间:2019年5月5日00:00-2019年6月14日24:00 学生四级模考报名请戳→立即报名四级学生六级模考报名请戳→立即报名六级活动亮点:1、还原四六级考试流程;2、助你熟悉考试题型,发现薄弱点提高复习效率;3、在线答题,提交即得成绩和答案解析;特别提示:1、凡是老师组织参与获得,一定要【选择自己老师姓名】或【输入教师告知的作文ID号】,教师才可收到你的成绩。2、报名和查看答案解析需在电脑端完成,报名后可在手机端关联教师、进行答题;3、手机端模考入口在批改网app精彩活动中!不可直接搜索作文号参与。4、如果在活动中提交后发现没有翻译和写作成绩,是因为当时瞬时分析任务过多在排队处理,请隔日再登录查询。5、如果有问题可添加QQ群进行咨询,群号信息见活动页面详情。
[作文号:1263476] 2018年12月份四六级模考(2018-11-20)
要求:简短介绍:活动详细内容可点击右上角【详细介绍】进行查看;使用方法可点击右上角【使用手册】进行查看;教师通知学生参加模考还可得积分,每参加一个学生,教师可得10积分,积分可兑换礼品!学生四级模考报名请戳→立即参加学生六级模考报名请戳→立即参加 活动介绍:关于模考的数据统计,我们将于模考正式结束后立即开始,并于12月下旬同步给每一位老师,谢谢老师们的支持! 四级模考试卷结构:写作:题目数量1;分值比例:15%;考试时间:30分钟;听力:题目数量25;分值比例:35%;考试时间:25分钟;阅读:题目数量30;分值比例:35%;考试时间:40分钟;翻译:题目数量1;分值比例:15%;考试时间:30分钟;总计:题目数量57;分值比例:100%;考试时间:125分钟; 六级模考试卷结构:写作:题目数量1;分值比例:15%;考试时间:30分钟;听力:题目数量25;分值比例:35%;考试时间:30分钟;阅读:题目数量30;分值比例:35%;考试时间:40分钟;翻译:题目数量1;分值比例:15%;考试时间:30分钟;总计:题目数量57;分值比例:100%;考试时间:130分钟; 活动亮点:1、还原真实四六级考试场景和难度;2、在线答题,提交即得成绩;老师可一键查看学生成绩;3、教师通知学生参加模考教师可得积分,积分可兑换礼品!4、本次模考支持手机答题,简单方便(请下载最新版手机批改网APP进行答题);温馨提示:手机端模考入口在批改网app精彩活动中!不可直接搜索作文号参与。 注意事项:请嘱咐学生考试时一定要【选择您的姓名】;或【输入您告知的作文ID号】;学生重考等事宜请让学生添加QQ群进行咨询:批改网四六级模考群C:868342669 请老师们添加微信公众号【批改网英语教师】,将为您提供相关活动的在线咨询及教学教研资讯等;微信搜索:jukuuEnglish 或扫描下方二维码
[作文号:1231901] 【2018年12月四级预测】Online games(2018-10-22)
要求:Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the topic: online games. You should write at least 120 words but no more than150 words.现在很多年轻人都喜欢玩游戏,有些人把游戏当作一种职业,有些人只是把它当作一种爱好或兴趣,而有些人沉迷其中无法自拔,那么你觉得玩游戏有哪些好处呢?学生玩游戏你有怎样的看法?
[作文号:1225362] 【2018.9 四六级开学摸底考】通知(2018-10-16)
要求:亲爱的同学:新学期伊始,新的开学季模考准备就绪。不要有压力,但请认真对待!希望这一考能帮你找回学习的动力,让你找到复习的方向!【活动介绍】1.模考时间2018年9月3日00:00-2018年10月15日24:002.模考试卷本次模考试卷四级题型1套,六级题型1套,共两套试卷; 四级模考试卷结构:写作:题目数量1;分值比例:15%;考试时间:30分钟;听力:题目数量25;分值比例:35%;考试时间:25分钟;阅读:题目数量30;分值比例:35%;考试时间:40分钟;翻译:题目数量1;分值比例:15%;考试时间:30分钟;总计:题目数量57;分值比例:100%;考试时间:125分钟; 六级模考试卷结构:写作:题目数量1;分值比例:15%;考试时间:30分钟;听力:题目数量25;分值比例:35%;考试时间:30分钟;阅读:题目数量30;分值比例:35%;考试时间:40分钟;翻译:题目数量1;分值比例:15%;考试时间:30分钟;总计:题目数量57;分值比例:100%;考试时间:130分钟; 5.模考分制本次模考采取710分制:听力占248.5分;阅读占248.5分;翻译占106.5分;写作占106.5分【活动亮点】1、还原四六级考试场景和难度;2、助你熟悉四六级题型及考试流程,成为考场“老油条”;3、在线答题,提交即得成绩和答案解析;4、新增手机端答题功能,请下载最新版批改网手机app可手机答题。【参与方式】1、登陆批改网,点击右上角“模考”入口;一定要【选择自己老师姓名】;或【输入教师告知的作文ID号】之后答题;教师方可查询你的成绩。2、直接登陆网址:四级:http://www.pigai.org/?c=activity&a=exam&exam_id=70 ;六级:http://www.pigai.org/?c=activity&a=exam&exam_id=71 ;    温馨提示:    本次模考为在线答题,每人有且仅有一次答题机会,请珍惜!
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